National Chrysanthemum Society

Crossword Puzzles

Chrysanthemum Show

1. Arrangement of blooms on a stem
2. Master document of Mum Show
3. New color variation of cultivar
6. Major parts of Show Schedule
7. Exhibitor who has not won a Blue Ribbon
8. Paper award of recognition
11. Highest class of judges
12. Collection of florets
14. Short spur left on the stem
21. Plant which is the result of cross-pollination
24. Removal of excess buds
26. Strap like leaf

4. Named variety of a flower
5. Subdivision in the Show schedule
6. Central portion of the bloom
9. Person who enters Show flowers
10. Official who awards ribbons at Show
13. Cumulative point score of ribbons
15. Tiny flower unit of bloom
16. Subdivison containing Classes
17. Single unit for competition or Exhibition
18. Two hues
19. Level of judge between Candidate and Master
20. Place entry in proper Class at Show
22. Insert to balance a show bloom
23. Judge’s assistant
25. Show award of satiny material
27. Tidy up a bloom