The National Chrysanthemum Society Inc. USA

Local Chrysanthemum Shows

Local chrysanthemum shows are a celebration of our dedication to this beautiful flower.  Chrysanthemum shows are typically divided into divisions:

     Division I – Horticulture
     Division II – Design

In order for you to understand and appreciate a chrysanthemum show, here are some details about each division.

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Division I – Horticulture

  1.     This is a cultivar (each variety has a name) show. Each cultivated variety is a subclass. Each subclass and /or class is judged according to judging standards and rules of the National Chrysanthemum Society.
  2.     Members and non-member amateur growers are invited to exhibit. An amateur is one who grows chrysanthemums for pleasure and whose income from the sale of chrysanthemum plants and blooms is inconsequential and less than the cost of cultivation.
  3.     All entries must have been grown outdoors by the exhibitor and not shown in a previous show this year. Any form of cultivation necessary for the production of quality chrysanthemums for show is permissible in this show, even a greenhouse on a temporary basis.

    Chrysanthemums have a number of different bloom forms. Many are very distinctive, but some have more subtle differences. Blooms are entered into the show according to bloom forms. They are:



Bloom Form

Irregular Incurve
Regular Incurve
Intermediate Incurve
Single and Semi-Double



Bloom Form

Brush and Thistle
Unclassified or Exotic

Within Division I, you will see entries that are either single or three cut blooms in individual tubes, vases or baskets of multiple cut blooms, and sprays as either individual entries or in multiples. There are specific sections for novices (those who have not won a blue ribbon before), youth (younger than 19), new introductions (new cultivars), and judges (a judge cannot enter an area where he/she is judging). You will also see plants grown in containers and trained to be either a specific form (tree, cascade, hanging plant) or as a bonsai.

In summary, there are many bloom shapes and sizes for chrysanthemums, and they can be grown and shown in many different ways.

Division II – Design

Most local chrysanthemum shows include a design section with a specific theme. In much the same way that a painter creates a picture on canvas, the floral designer creates a 3-dimensional picture using flowers, color, container, and space. There are four entries in each design class. Each class has a title that reflects the theme of the division.

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We hope that these short explanations make your visit to our show more worthwhile. You can learn more about chrysanthemums and the National Chrysanthemum Society by visiting our About Us page, on Facebook at National Chrysanthemum Society, Inc., USA, and on Pinterest at National Chrysanthemum Society. Use our chapter locator map to find a chapter close to you and to see if the chapter has a website or Facebook page.